Well, actually, I haven't been able to think of anything interesting to write. Oh, sure, my head is brimming with brilliant inspiration. Dig these titles:
"My Underwear Has Arrived, and Just in the Nick of Time!"
"When Green Beans go Bad"
And these two, about classical music:
"If it's Baroque, Don't Fix It!"
"Rarely Mozart, but Offenbach"
All right, I guess you had to be there.
Truth is, I'm going through something. Not the little-ups-and-downs kind of something, but the really heart-wrenching, impossible-to-fathom, god-sucks, time-has-stopped kind of stuff. And I can't write about it here, in this public forum. At least, not for now. Thank god, though, with some outside help and another 90 in 90, I'm looking forward to getting better.
So please don't give up on me quite yet, dear readers. I'll get there.