Yes, I know Bloomberg is trying to buy the election. I know he's a capitalist boor with a sketchy history. I'm also quite aware that he's not the best choice for president.
Unless it turns out he is, at least for this one moment in time.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Michael Bloomberg knows how to get inside Trump's head. He's the only one with whom Trump has a history, and I believe he's the only one that Trump really fears. He's willing to exchange insults at Trump's level. He knows what insiders are saying behind Trump's back and, more importantly, Trump knows he knows it. And it's going to be very hard to call the guy a socialist, which screws up about 50 percent of Trump's campaign strategy.
Apparently Bloomberg's campaign has hired an expert in narcissism and a comedy writer. I mean, how delicious is that?
No, I don't particularly want him as my president. But the republic can survive Michael Bloomberg, and I don't think it can withstand another four years of the Orange Menace, or the Republicans' one-branch vision of government.
I'm not endorsing Bloomberg, and I doubt I'll vote for him in the primary. His values don't match mine. But maybe in this time, in this place, he's the guy who can save the nation.
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